Anderson Paving, Inc. specializes in cement stabilized recycled asphalt pavement, from individual repairs to complete parking lot reconstructions. We are Industry leaders in this work in the North Texas region and surrounding areas. Anderson Paving also provides full parking lot overlays, and construction of new asphalt parking lots and roads.


Asphalt Pavement Recycling, or Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR) rebuilds worn out asphalt pavements by recycling the existing roadway. The old asphalt and base materials are pulverized, mixed with cement and water, then compacted and graded to produce a strong, durable base for a new asphalt surface. Full-depth reclamation uses the materials from the deteriorated asphalt pavement; and, with the addition of cement, creates a new stabilized base. The recycled base will be stronger, more uniform, and more moisture resistant than the original base, resulting in a long, low-maintenance life. And most important, recycling costs are normally at least 25 to 50 percent less than the removal and replacement of the old pavement. 

Conserving construction materials through recycling with cement makes smart economic and strategic sense. A century of modern growth and urbanization in America has depleted once plentiful aggregate supplies. Frequently, aggregates either come from distant quarries at great expense or from local sources offering only marginal quality. Continuing to exhaust these valuable resources to rebuild existing parking lots and roads only propagates and accelerates the problem.
Asphalt Paving - Paving Highway - Anderson Paving Inc.


Asphalt pavements are constructed in two or more layers depending on the strength that is desired. Strength, carrying capacity and pavement longevity are increased as each layer is placed. Unlike concrete paving, during some phases of construction, and more importantly during maintenance operations, a parking lot or road that is being worked on can be opened to traffic as soon as the pavement reaches a specified temperature and level of compaction. With asphalt, there is no lengthy curing period during which the road is closed to traffic even though construction activities are not currently occurring.

We specialize in paving new projects and resurfacing existing spaces, from small strip malls to major distribution centers. We are equipped to complete jobs of any size and scope. 


Asphalt overlays, generally range from one and one-half inch to several inches thick. Overlays provide a quick, economical solution to aging parking lots and roads in need of preservation that have only minor structural failures. As concrete pavements age and their performance deteriorates, the most viable means of rehabilitating the pavement is by overlaying the concrete with asphalt


Regardless of how well you maintain your asphalt pavement, it eventually wears out with time. There are many methods for repairing asphalt pavement, whether it is a parking lot or road. The full depth reclamation process can be used in areas as small as 8’ X 8’ and is generally the most cost-efficient method of performing repairs to your asphalt pavement. Other solutions are full depth asphalt replacement, asphalt with reinforced or unreinforced concrete base and asphalt with an aggregate (flex base) base.


Pot holes that have no base failure and isolated areas of surface degradation can usually be corrected with asphalt surface patches. By covering and sealing a pot hole before the base is damaged by water infiltration and stress from vehicular traffic, an owner can slow the deterioration of their paving investment. A few dollars spent today will often save major expenses in the not to distant future. 
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